Ice Conditions

TopicRepliessort iconCreatedLast reply
Seems to me... If we want a Westerns... 11 14 years 19 weeks ago
by the IceMaker
14 years 19 weeks ago
by flyer602
Promising Report from Springfield, IL 11 14 years 22 weeks ago
by 4811
14 years 22 weeks ago
by ciyoti4148
Pepin Sailers- Iowa kids 11 17 years 26 weeks ago
by Fity Five---0
16 years 51 weeks ago
by adrienne39
Week 7 Sailing in Minnesota - Great ... Again! 11 17 years 30 weeks ago
by the IceMaker
17 years 30 weeks ago
by the IceMaker
sailing thurs and friday, 12/22 and 23, where? 12 12 years 31 weeks ago
by flyer602
12 years 31 weeks ago
by DN 5369
Weekend Outlook ... Sailing into April. 12 13 years 17 weeks ago
by the IceMaker
13 years 16 weeks ago
by the IceMaker
Sunday Sailing Options...Week 2 12 15 years 34 weeks ago
by the IceMaker
15 years 34 weeks ago
by paul larson
regatta okoboji anyone? 12 16 years 31 weeks ago
by flyer602
16 years 30 weeks ago
by flyer602
Most Excellent Ice remains in Minnesota... 13 15 years 18 weeks ago
by the IceMaker
15 years 17 weeks ago
by flyer602
Spring Park Bay Ice Report, Lake Minnetonka - Minnesota Ice - Week 4 13 17 years 32 weeks ago
by the IceMaker
17 years 14 weeks ago
by parad1gma02
New Years Eve ice update 15 13 years 30 weeks ago
by DN 5369
13 years 29 weeks ago
by onefifty
any ice on pepin?? for jan 1, 2 & 3, ice checkers respond 15 14 years 30 weeks ago
by flyer602
14 years 29 weeks ago
by 4811
sailing on minnetonka, fri thru monday 17 14 years 19 weeks ago
by flyer602
14 years 18 weeks ago
by the IceMaker
sat (3/7) sailing on pepin, lake city?? 17 15 years 20 weeks ago
by flyer602
15 years 20 weeks ago
by Adam-US5366
Elk Lake 2-25-05 21 19 years 22 weeks ago
by jackjacobs
19 years 20 weeks ago
by jackjacobs
Weekend iceboating location? 22 19 years 32 weeks ago
by unregistered skipper
19 years 31 weeks ago
by snazzyklick
sailing this weekend, 12/10 and 11? where? 24 12 years 33 weeks ago
by flyer602
12 years 32 weeks ago
by DN 5369
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