The Sun is shinning, where are we "Trying" to sail?

Looked at the forecast, they are calling for light winds, up to 14 MPH. Anyone going to set-up and give it a try? If so, where is the best chance of good ice? Lake Merion - Lakeville, or Prior Lake? Inner city lakes look ok?



I walked out on the west end of Minnetonka Saturday morning. It's very bumpy, a real teeth chopper. I'm going to wait and see if tonight's rain/snow slop smoothes it out.

Whoop DN5298

I will be at Calhoun @ noon

Yes, it bumpy there too!


Calhoun @ Noon

Sounds like a pair. I'm in. Wind seems to be picking up, maybe it is my wishfull thinking, but I am willing to sail on anything.


So it was Calhoun @ 1:00

When I finally found the correct lake, (I was going to set up on Harriet because I am not familiar with the area) Adam was already sailing along with several kite-skiers...The ice was soft, but not real bumpy. The wind was great and I logged 15 miles before my buddy John S. found his way to the lake. The later half of the afternoon resulted in softer ice, and diminishing winds. I just can't sail in the soft air with this HEAVY old rig...but managed to clock another 15.8 miles. Grand total - 30.8 Miles, 1hr 51min of moving time, and 34.8 mph max speed.

Good time, but today is a wash in Shakopee. Rain is falling :-(


Calhoun on Saturday

I just thought I'd chip in since I was one of the four DNs who made it to Calhoun on Saturday. I was the latest to arrive, 3:00pm, and the ice was most definitely soft, like William said, by that time. We still had a great time and there was enough wind to get ripping. Calhoun is a little different experience because it's a city lake and so many people want to check out your equipment and talk to you about the sport.

It was great to meet you guys. At least for Adam and myself, the city lakes are so convienient to our homes that it makes sailing possible when you're otherwise booked with other obligations during the day.

Tom DN5355

If you want new blood in the sport....

...then sail on the city lakes from time to time. I had so many inquiries I had trouble rigging! The typical questions like what the cost, where to purchase, how fast do you go, etc.

One new builder from St. Paul came out for some inspriation. He had never been in an iceboat yet was building one.

/Adam (#3909 temporary)

One more thing about the city lakes

Where else are you going to see so many nice looking ladies during your breaks?

how about the metro circut

I say we do a metro circut.. here's the idea..

4 lakes
4 nights
4 races per/night
one throw out night

calhoun, harriet, nakomis, cedar
(maybe we have to repeat the best lake)

start at 5:00pm (so you have to leave early and rig up to be sailing by 5:00pm)

should we start next monday if the ice holds?

any takers?

think ice

Metro Circut

Sounds like fun. I am no where near competitive, but would love to do some learning and just have another excuse to go sailing.


Sounds great!

I may not be able to make every night though.

night sailing

it will take me five hour to get there, 20 min. to set up so leave work at noon. or just take week off and sail!