I propose a speed clinic so that we can get a day of practice in for the Fall Classic the following weekend. We need to hold off those hard charging speedsters from MI that keep taking the trophy out of the area.
The Unofficial Nite World Championships is scheduled for December 13/14 in the Twin Cities area. There are many suitable lakes within 30 minutes drive. This is the best time of year for the northern lakes prior to the snow, and it's hoped that sailors from southern Wisconsin will make the short trip . It's a casual early-season regatta with plenty of opportunity to share tuning ideas and experimentation. Saturday night's activities will feature dinner at "The Table" -- details to be provided at registration. Housing requests are welcomed with advance notice. Final lake location to be determined Thursday, December 11th with details found that week on the unofficial hotline, 952-471-7831.
We can now post pictures, or I can batch load a bunch of pics. The personal gallery is a bit funky. No folders on personal gallery pages.. but that's okay.
I'm playing around with the themes... so you might be getting a different look.. but it's the same stuff..
I don't have many details, but they can probably be found at wyc.org
Sunday 11/9 Minnesota Ice Sailing Assoc will attempt Pelican lake.
4695, 602, 4691 are among those planning to sail..
Just south of Christina, Directions to launch site:
I 94 to Ashby Exit - N on 78, Check public access on Rt, appx 2 miles no of the I94, if nobody's there when you drive by, continue past the Coot, take the next Rt on Co 82, to the Ashby Resort. Launch off the Ramp at the Ashby Resort.
Ice Report: The north Bay of Pelican has 4+ inches of pretty smooth ice, Fish houses on the lake... 3/4 mile legs... The main body of the lake may come in depending on tonights temps (2 spectacular inches there today) the North bay froze a couple days earlier, but is a bit rougher... Note... the West edge of this bay froze a day after the other 90 % of the bay...
I need a modern aluminum boom. anybody?
I've got the forums going, now I want to import the old site users into this site. oh yea, and polls..
Four DN's sailed 9 races Sunday on the north bay of Pelican Lake, Ashby MN, (that would be turn right at the first paved road after the Coot. The ice was characterized by consensus as "About a 10".
Sailors: 602, 4691, 4695,4824
Ice thickness was observed to be in the majority of this bay to be 4-6"... having said that, there were 6-8 former "duck holes" in the sailing area in the 2 - 2 1/2 inch thickness range (and optically clear)
2004 North American DN Championship Regatta – February 21-24
The Primary site is the North American Central Lakes Region.
Notice of Race and Entry Form will be published in Runner Tracks and on the
Notice of Race and Entry Form will be published in Runner tracks or at theIDNIYRA site
I'm going to turn on the forum's and a poll, then see about style and image config.
that's right.. it's back and expect to see some major changes.
I'm using a new CMS (that's Content Management System) and it's called drupal.
and this is the first post...