"Trust Me" in the home stretch

Tuesday night I got the second layer of plywood in the cockpit floor and was able to really see how well I fit into the cockpit:
(2004-10-12a) After almost a year and a half I get to sit in the cockpit.

I'll be starting on the final sanding on the hull next (in between working on getting various DN parts assembled).

I'll try and backfill some entries about the year and a bit that it's taken to get to this stage, but for now there are some photos spanning the entire period the boat's been under reconstruction at: http://iceboating.net/image/uid/143

Iceboat.org has lots of photos of Jim Nordhaus' shop where the rehab is happening (along with a number of other projects): http://iceboat.org/images/boatshops/nord/nordboats.htm


Geoff Sobering
DN US-5156/Laser 145234/Renegade 510

"When we get done with it, it will be as good as new - trust me!"
Jim Nordhaus